“Global” Post op visits. Providers have the tendency to believe that they cannot receive payment for a visit or procedure performed within a “global period” of a #surgery.

This is not the case.

Know your modifiers and be precise with your diagnoses pointers, insurance companies are certain to pay the claim. For example in some cases, the provider may need to perform an assessment(EM) on a problem that had nothing to do with the previous operation. So know your global periods as well.

There are also instances in which the Provider will need to address issues that may have arose due to the surgery. In order to properly treat the issues, it may be necessary to perform labs and or procedures.

A note to providers. If your note does not support what you have performed “it didn’t happen”.

Again, know your global modifiers…..

Do you have questions? Feel free to contact me directly at michelle@arnetworks.com

Steps To Automating & Streamlining Processes

Automation and streamlining is every business owner’s dream! Instead of focusing on sales and growing their business, most owners use most of their time working within their business, which leads to less time working on growth and exposure. What business owners need, is a sustainable way to be able to automate and outsource. Below are some specific ways a business like yours can both grow and automate at the same time:

Web Hosting: When it comes to hosting your website, you need to be certain that your site is safe from hackers and other security threats.  AR Computers, Inc. can set up secure website hosting to ensure the data collected on your site is safe, protected at all times and continuously secure.

Social Media Management: Market to your target audience using the power of social media! Social media today is the most optimized and least expensive platform to use to engage and gain exposure with a targeted audience.

QuickBooks Accounting: QuickBooks is the number one small business accounting software, and it is likely you have already thought about integrating it into your operations if you haven’t already done so.  QuickBooks makes it easy to organize your books and can automate the accounting process simply by connecting with your bank account to import and categorize transactions.  QuickBooks is also a useful tool for invoicing and tracking payments.

Cloud Services:  Using a local server for document storage, company email, and third-party integrations is very costly and can lead to frustrating outages that severely hinder productivity.  AR Computers, Inc. specializes in migrating office IT infrastructure to the cloud.  We provide cloud solutions from Amazon, Google and Microsoft.  With AR Computers cloud hosting solutions, all your data will incessantly be backed up and you will no longer need to maintain in-house server equipment.

It’s all about hiring one company that can help optimize and streamline your whole business, and at Air Computers, Inc., we can do it all! Comment below what type of techniques your business uses to streamline your processes.

How Do You Protect Your Data If A Laptop Is Lost Or Stolen?

It’s the new year, which means a lot of businesses begin to purchase and use new technology such as phones and computers. With this time of year, though, it’s an important period in time to start thinking about protection of these devices and the data that lies within. As a business owner myself, it is evident to us that data is highly confidential- holding important client information, payment terms and various other confidential documents. Here’s an unsettling statistic- according to The State of Data Security and Privacy: 2018 to 2019 by Forrester, only 15% of data breaches can be traced back to a lost or stolen laptop or other type of endpoint.

In this case, we thought it would be relevant to share some valuable information. Below is an outline for all business owners to follow in order to reduce any threat of a data breach:

  • Make sure to take care of your privacy settings immediately upon setup. Know your product, research your product and at all times have control over your product.
  • Disable file sharing. This is just another outlet to disaster- You could unknowingly give others access to your computer while file sharing; private files can potentially be shared, lost, etc.
  • Secure your wireless network at your home or business. Use stronger passwords, provide a separate network for guests and always use a firewall.
  • Implementing Data Protection Services. When you first launch your business or begin purchasing devices, you should also make sure to obtain a strong data service that can hold and back up your files. Implement an image-based backup solution that will ensure, if your server goes down, that it will be back online within minutes- using a standby machine imaged only a few minutes behind the server. We can also provide off-site server solutions which remain consistently backed up and do not require on-site hardware.
  • Clearly understand how your device should behave… By knowing & understanding how a device should behave, also clarifies how it shouldn’t behave.

The next blog will cover how to protect your data on social networking sites! This is a huge question that we get asked quite often, and there are numerous different ways to protect your information, avoid ad targeting and much more…