In today’s day and age, it’s all about being visible to your customers or clients; better yet, your targeted customers or clients. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization – which is the growth of targeted visibility in search engine results either paid or organic. SEO will allow your business to connect with those who are searching on search engines, which hopefully will turn them into paying consumers.

As a business owner, you need to have a plan in order to grow your business and get in front of your target audience because in most cases, there are thousands of competitions trying to steal your customers.

Now there’s numerous of ways to optimize your SEO, dependent on the business and the market. As well, there’s numerous of ways to organically grow and paid… Lets go over that with you a little further:



  • Key Words: Having the right search words on your website will help increase the visibility of a website, which hopefully will lead to higher number of leads and paying customers. Keywords rank very high when it comes to search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing etc…

  • Updating Consistently: Constantly updating your website by blogging, and making new changes increases your rank. Search engines like to place websites higher when they’re new and have new content up frequently rather than a website that is barely worked on with old information.

  • Hyperlinking & Tagging: If your link to your website is on other websites, your ranking will go a lot higher. For example, if you’re quotes or linked for more information on social media or on another website, search engine results will be higher in that market.

  • Mobile-Friendly: Having your website updated as we talked about above is extremely important, and most consumers in today’s day and age use their mobile to go online so it’s very important that your website is optimized mobile.


  • Google AdWordsNormal Ads on google or other platforms depending on the market work very well. Google AdWords allows you to see what other businesses are spending and allow you to directly get in front of your customers on search engines.

 The best part of SEO today is that it’s all measurable! There’s numerous of platforms that allows you to track and measure the performance of every step and campaign your implementing if it’s paid or even organic. If you’re not currently tracking your website or know how, you should implement Google Analytics – a simple google platform that allows you to receive analytic reports each week.

As always, good luck and if you have questions or need helping with SEO, please feel free to contact AR Computers Inc. We work with numerous of small to medium sized businesses and we would love to get the chance to help grow your business.

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